
By Charlotte Mbwala, Class of 2020

First semester is over, winter break is over, and now we begin the journey of the second semester. During this time, majority of us start to get sluggish in our schoolwork and lose the key motivation to finish strong. If you are like me, you are finding it difficult to stay focused, but do not worry, I have come up with ideas to help you survive the third quarter.

  • Make Coffee Shops your Best Friends!

Whether you do your homework in your bedroom or the dining table, those locations can get distracting and you tend to lose your concentration. Getting comfortable to your atmosphere at your own home, when it comes to academics, can produce lack of motivation. Thus, comes coffee shops. If you go out of your way to do some work at a coffee shop, chances are you won’t give up and procrastinate away your time once you get there. If being at a coffee shop alone is semi-creepy, then create a group of friends who will help you succeed and vice versa. 

  • Meet with your Teachers

When you need help on schoolwork, do not, and I repeat, do not hesitate to ask your professors for help. A lot of times people won’t ask for help because they are afraid they will look stupid or embarrass themselves. The truth is, not asking for help is usually worse because you don’t get the help you need. Especially, during the third quarter when the workload feels heavy, teachers are a great resource. 

  • Celebrate your Small Wins 

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, and the daily grind can wear down on even the most optimistic person. That is why it is important to keep track of the daily small victories. With a positive mindset, it is possible to power some of the difficult days because you’ve got way more wins under your belt than losses. So, during this time when you feel discouraged, celebrate your small victories! 

  • Bring your burdens to the Lord

Many times we try to solve our problems thinking we can resolve the whole issue at hand. The burdens of life can sometimes be too much to bear. Psalm 55:22 instructs to “cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved”– God is ready to carry our burden and give us the strength we need. 

I hope that these tips will help you in this quarter. School can be challenging but remember, its doable and hold on to the hope that summer is just four months away! You got this.