Baylor University, Ph.D. in English
Texas Woman’s University, M.A. in English
University of North Texas, B.A. in Radio, Television and Film
Aaron Cassidy teaches British and European Literature from medieval to eras (10th and 12 grade) at The Cambridge School of Dallas. He holds a Ph.D. in English from Baylor University. He has taught at Baylor University and Texas Woman’s University. His scholarly interests include Renaissance poetry, specifically John Milton, and religion and literature. He has written an article on Paradise Lost which will appear in the journal Milton Studies in 2022. He has published a book chapter on C.S. Lewis and has also presented conference papers on Milton, Spenser, Shakespeare, Malory, Equiano, Tolkien, and Thomas More. Aaron enjoys hiking and photography in serene and adventurous places.
You can view his CV here.