Faith & Culture Series
7:00 PM
Sponsorship Levels
- Large Piatto Cheese platter, dessert, champagne, and wine delivered to your home to host Watch Party for 12 people
- One-week stay on Perdido Key at Beachfront Condo OR one-week stay at serene Ranch in Texas
- Four Rangers tickets for June game
- Name/company featured at Event, on Cambridge website, and social media platforms
- Two signed books for host
- Medium Piatto Cheese platter, dessert, and wine delivered to your home to host
- Watch Party for 10 people
- Name/company featured at Event, on Cambridge website, and social media platforms
- Two signed books for host
- Small Piatto Cheese Platter and wine delivered to your home to host
- Watch Party for 6-8 people
- Name/company featured at Event, Cambridge website, and social media platforms
- One signed book for host
- Piatto Nut Box or dessert delivered to your home to host Watch Party
- Name/company featured at Event, Cambridge website, and social media platforms
- One signed book for host
- Social media acknowledgment
- One signed book for host
- Name/company featured on Cambridge website
- Name featured on Cambridge website
- Ticket to event
A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors!
The Woodall Family
Clanton and Selby Harrison
Amy, Katie, and Jack LaDue
The Anderson Family
The Bruce Family
The Cermak Family
The Chatterji Family
The Crowder Family
Elk Cove Winery
The Farrow Family
The Ferguson Family
Kimber Hartmann
Marc Hoppers
The Hosler Family
The Jackson Family
The Jordan Family
The Laird Family
John and Vicky Little
Louie Little
The Moore Family
Scott and Martha Nelson
Paula Richmond
The Peterman Family
Piatto Cheeses
The Runnels Family
The Scalia Family
The Stacy Family
The Stark Family
The Tubuo Family
David Waldrep
Carrie Williams
The Wilson Family
The Wong Family