
Faculty & Staff Reading Ideas: Crain Edition

Faculty & Staff Reading Ideas: Crain Edition By Morgan Crain S. B. Chrimes, Henry VII. Henry VII is best-known as the father of Henry VIII, but he played a vital […]

Faculty & Staff Reading Ideas: Benson Edition

Faculty & Staff Reading Ideas: Benson Edition By Christopher Benson I typically read according to my vocational roles. As a literature teacher, I am reading the following: Walker Percy, The […]

Faculty & Staff Reading Ideas

Faculty & Staff Reading Ideas By Amy Jodry Hello Cambridge family! We hope that you are enjoying your summer and time off. At Prof. Benson’s proposal, we recently polled our […]

The Cambridge School of Dallas is participating in North Texas Giving Tuesday Now on May 5th, and we need your help!

The Cambridge School of Dallas is participating in North Texas Giving Tuesday Now on May 5th, and we need your help. We understand that times are tough right now – we […]

Holy Week Afterword

Holy Week Afterword By Dr. Paul Wolfe As I reflect on and reread the accounts of the resurrection, I cannot but help notice the differing responses to it. I mean […]

Holy Week Day 8 – Resurrection Day

Holy Week Day 8 – Resurrection Day By Dr. Paul Wolfe The Sabbath (Saturday) immediately following Jesus’ crucifixion was a virtual “no man’s land,” a time when the hiddenness of […]

Holy Week Day 6 – Crucifixion

Holy Week Day 6 – Crucifixion By Dr. Paul Wolfe Day six confronts us with the great cosmic dilemma; the Messiah is slain; the chosen one of God is rejected […]

“O Come Thou Wisdom From On High”

“O Come Thou Wisdom From On High” We pray that this talk given by Dr. Isbell during our Christmas Chapel blesses you this Christmas season. By Dr. Barb Isbell As […]

Music and Rainbows: A Scientific Journey from Wonder to Worship

Music and Rainbows: A Scientific Journey from Wonder to Worship Thank you Prof. Nine for sharing your journey, story, and what God has impressed on your mind, heart, and spirit […]

Developing a Witness of Faithful Presence

Developing a Witness of Faithful Presence By Christopher Benson, Professor of English, Faculty Coordinator of Humanities & Fine Arts, The Cambridge School of Dallas In my 12th grade literature class […]