
Holy Week Afterword

Holy Week Afterword By Dr. Paul Wolfe As I reflect on and reread the accounts of the resurrection, I cannot but help notice the differing responses to it. I mean […]

Holy Week Day 8 – Resurrection Day

Holy Week Day 8 – Resurrection Day By Dr. Paul Wolfe The Sabbath (Saturday) immediately following Jesus’ crucifixion was a virtual “no man’s land,” a time when the hiddenness of […]

Holy Week Day 6 – Crucifixion

Holy Week Day 6 – Crucifixion By Dr. Paul Wolfe Day six confronts us with the great cosmic dilemma; the Messiah is slain; the chosen one of God is rejected […]

Wolfe Lyceum

Dr. Wolfe’s Faculty Lyceum Dr. Paul Wolfe, Cambridge’s Head of School, presented a Faculty Lyceum on Thursday, April 5th, entitled “Christ, Culture, and Formative Education.” The relationship between Christ and culture […]

Our Value Narrative

Our Value Narrative March 6, 2018 Below is the text from an old Straight from the Head. In it, Dr. Wolfe, our Head of School, describes how Cambridge is distinct […]